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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Bodina Lodge No: 9121

The founders were both members and visitors at Boundary Lodge No. 7695, the sponsors and all were members of lodges in either Hertfordshire, Middlesex, London or Surrey. Bodina is the Latin form of "boundary". The lodge was consecrated at St. Albans on 19th September 1984.

On the banner, there appears the name Catuvellauni which was, in about AD80, both an ancient tribe and a Province, the capital of which was Verulamium, and this is also the home of the mother Lodge. This name appears below the square pavement and underneath the Ionic column bearing a square and compass on the top of it. Bodina Lodge was consecrated on 19th September 1984. The lodge practices 'Queen of Sheba' working.

The banner was designed by W.Bro. W Cairns, presented by W.Bro. B Gauci and dedicated 14th September 2009.

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