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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Chorley Wood Lodge No: 3247

The lodge has always had strong ties with Local Government initially with the old Chorleywood Urban District Council and more latterly Three Rivers District Council . The original members were all professional men and it is assumed that the lodge was formed to cater for local councillors and the like. The lodge was consecrated on 5th November, 1907.


Both the old and new banners are virtually identical except for the dates at the bottom. The old banner is now framed and displayed. This was presented and dedicated by Bro.Henry Summers in May 1928.

Both Banners depict Kings Farm, as the central motif, which is deputed to be the oldest building in Chorleywood. They also include the "all seeing eye", a Hart standing in water, and the original banner has ears of corn and sprigs of acacia as well as the square and compasses, together with the date 1907. On the Centenary Banner Grand Lodge would not allow the Sprig of Acacia and Ear of Corn to be used so they were replaced by an alternative of ‘Rosemary’ together with the inscription 1907-2007. This Banner was dedicated at a meeting to celebrate the Centenary, on 21st January 2008 having been purchased by the members.

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