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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Cuffley Lodge No: 8950

The lodge was consecrated on 13 November 1980. It was founded by a group of 19 Masonic friends living in Cuffley who often visited each others' lodges, but a number had not had the opportunity, for various reasons, to progress through the chair of their mother lodge.  Cuffley Lodge was therefore founded not only to provide for masonry in the village of Cuffley, but also to allow these master masons a chance to progress through the chair of a lodge.


Like many lodges, Cuffley Lodge has had members with close connections from other spheres. Initially, there was a substantial group of publicans and policemen. Equally, there was also a strong contingent who were also members of the local Round Table. 

The lodge badge incorporates several emblems relating to Cuffley. The German Shütte-Lanz airship SL-11 was shot down in 1916 over the village by Lieut. William Leefe-Robinson, for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross, this being the first airship shot down in the Great War. After shooting the airship he then flew around and under it to ensure it was on fire, thereby endangering himself. The memorial obelisk at Cuffley was erected in his memory in 1921 paid for by the readers of the Daily Express, and also features on the banner. The airship, frequently incorrectly described as a Zeppelin, is shown in profile above centre and is to the left of the Square and Compasses. The badge also features an oak leaf surround, reminding us that Cuffley was once a clearing in the forest.  The Hart and the wavy blue and white lines are both drawn from the badge of the County of Hertfordshire; the latter can be said to represent Cuffley Brook, a tributary of the River Lea, one of the principal rivers in the County. The dedication ceremony was held on 13th February 1986.



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