Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Gorhambury Lodge No: 8745

A nucleus of masons using Ashwell House masonic centre, or in some way connected with those who did, decided after informal talks that a new lodge for masons who were attending London lodges but lived in Hertfordshire would be welcomed. Romanum Lodge was first formed but there were so many founders a second lodge was proposed. The name of Gorhambury was selected, being the name of the estate near Ashwell House. The banner crest contains a pictorial representation of the cathedral and abbey church of St. Alban, also the gates and driveway entrance to the Verulam Estate of Gorhambury. The lodge was consecrated on 21st February 1977 a few months earlier than Romanum Lodge.
The banner was presented by W.Bro.William Whyte and his family. It is recorded that a tangible expression of thanks was to be made to Mrs.Whyte. The banner was dedicated 6th November 1979.