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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Rickmansworth Lodge No: 2218

Rickmansworth Lodge was founded by eight Hertfordshire masons plus one each from London and Hampshire, to continue the development of freemasonry in the area. The Lodge was consecrated at the Swan Hotel, Rickmansworth, on 16th November, 1887 by RW Bro T F Halsey MP, Provincial Grand Master, who later became Sir Frederick Halsey, Bart, The Deputy Grand Master. The first master of the lodge was W. Bro J E Dawson, Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

After meeting at two locations in Rickmansworth for twenty years, the Lodge has met in 3 venues in Watford, currently meeting at Halsey Masonic Hall, Rickmansworth Road, Watford.  In April 1988, the Lodge celebrated its 100th Anniversary at a meeting at the Rickmansworth Girls School attended by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Godfrey Kent.

The first banner was presented to the Lodge on 11th November 1909 by W.Bro. F.J.Hemming and allthough the 75th anniversary booklet does not specifically mention dedication it can be inferred from this document that it was dedicated by W.Bro Charles Edward Keyser, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, It is understood this banner was disposed of or retired by the makers of the new banner, as it had been declared as beyond practical repair. The current banner, presented in 1991 and dedicated 13th June 1991, by W Bro Michael Batham-Jones, is a copy of the first, including the original presentation date of 1909.  This banner was funded from a residue of money from the 1987 centenary celebrations together with member contributions. The banner is believed to depict the crowned head of King John in a circle with columns etc., and is not the same as the lodge emblem.  King John was closely connected with the manor of Rickmansworth and the Abbey of St. Alban, but it is not known why King John's head was chosen for the lodge banner.


The 75th anniversary booklet states that the banner was adopted as the Lodge crest in 1928, but there is no record of the current crest being adopted. However, the current one is on the front of the booklet. It is not known why or when the change from the original emblem to the current very attractive lodge emblem occurred.

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