Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Cassiobury Lodge's origins stem from a time when a group of masonic brethren, who were professors, teachers and staff of the Guildhall School of Music, frequented Cassiobury Park on Saturday afternoons. Having played, they then retired to Bucks Restaurant. It was here that they decided to form a lodge. The petition was supported by the master and wardens of Watford Lodge No. 404, and was countersigned by RW Bro T F Halsey, Deputy Grand Master and Provincial Grand Master of Hertfordshire who subsequently conducted the Ceremony of Consecration at the Holborn Restaurant, London on 3rd June 1907.
The two banners both include lists of Worshipful Master's, the first up to 1931, presented by W.Bro George Hatch - the first Worshipful Master and the second showing masters names embroidered up to 1948 and then by sewn on plate up to 1990 with 1989 and 1991 unfortunately missing due to broken stitching. This latter banner was dedicated in 1935.
Both banners depict Cassiobury House for many years the home of the Earls of Essex, and where the founders, all met when visiting the park.