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Banners of Mark Master Mason Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

All Mark Mason Lodges in Hertfordshire are listed below. Many have banners although a number do not at present. Those that have banners are listed in Blue, whilst those that do not are in Red. NB: The 3 lodges below marked with a double asterisk (**) amalgamated on 16th September 2013 to form Cloisters Lodge No: 0872. 

0354 Rose and Lily Lodge
0367 Gladsmuir Lodge
0872 Cloisters Lodge
0926 William Hamilton-Underhill Lodge **
0991 Eleanor Cross Lodge
1109 King Harold Lodge
1404 Stevenage Lodge **
1508 Fratres Scriptabacorum Lodge
0683 East Hertfordshire Lodge
0909 Lea Valley Lodge
0556 James Terry Lodge
0872 Digswell Lodge **
0920 Ravenscroft Lodge
1358 Joseph Moffett Lodge

© 2023 - Provincial Museum of Hertfordshire

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