Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Jubilation Lodge No: 8831
A number of Brethren from several Lodges came together in St. Albans during a year of high celebration, the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1977. In deciding on the name of the lodge they wished to form, Jubilee was rejected as tending to ambiguity, meaning a fifty year anniversary. Jubilation was selected as representing the satisfaction of joy and triumph in achieving the aim of consecration, which was completed on 22nd May 1978.
The badge, incorporated in the centre of the banner is a representation of the clock tower at St. Albans from which a bell of joy rang out, and the sun with its long shafts of light depicting the ceremony of lights as performed in the Veritas working used in the Lodge, with a Square, topped by the square and compasses, and with the mystic five pointed Star below. The inscription on the Curfew Bell in the Clock Tower, 'Missi Nomen Gabrielis', which translates as 'Have the name of Gabriel sent from Heaven', is used as the Lodge motto.
The straight base line under the tower represents the founders. The water lines symbolize the Ellenbrook stream, which was the name of the sponsoring Lodge. The banner was dedicated on 12th March 1979.