Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

The Masonic Trout and Salmon Fishing Club (MTSFC) is now a registered charity but was first set up by a few fly fishing masons to take disabled and disadvantaged children on days out to enjoy a fishing and countryside experience. So it was after discussions in the club’s management committee, that the idea of forming a new lodge was proposed. This was considered to be an ideal vehicle to spread the word of the club’s positive contribution not just to the community but also to other freemasons. As with the club, the idea of the new lodge was to be inter-provincial and that it would be able to travel to any Province where an interest had been expressed in the club’s activities. In this way it would raise awareness in that Province and encourage them to organise their own events, thereby spreading the word of this ideal opportunity for freemasonry to be a real part of the community.
In no time at all here were over 30 masons keen and eager to become founders of this ‘new concept’ of a Masonic Lodge, 'A Lodge with a Purpose'. The lodge was consecrated on 6th February 2004.
The banner has been designed to represent the link between freemasonry and The Masonic Trout and Salmon Flyfishing club. In the centre is the logo of the Club, showing a leaping Rainbow Trout against a blue sky and a sun indicating that the Club brings happier times to those less fortunate than ourselves by introducing them to the sport of fishing. The initials of the club ‘MTSFC’ emphasises the Lodge’s connection with the club, where the founders of the Lodge came from and the intention of the lodge to promote the work of the club in masonic circles. Over the club badge is the slogan ‘In the Face of Adversity’, which has been modified from the club’s motto, ‘Fishing In The Face of Adversity’, to indicate that the lodge will work in bringing ‘opportunities’ to all those who may be in need. This is surrounded by arched trout fishing rods with the lines suspending the masonic square and compasses.