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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Queens Oak Lodge No: 9262

Most of the founders resided in the Potters Bar and Hatfield areas of Hertfordshire, but were not members of any Hertfordshire Lodge. They wished to meet locally, and together with their masonic friends, approached Kingswood Lodge No: 2278, who agreed to sponsor them. As the lodge would meet in Hatfield, next to Hatfield House, where Queen Elizabeth I first once resided, the name Queens Oak was chosen after the oak tree which stood in its grounds and under which she was informed that she had become Queen. The lodge was consecrated on 16th February 1988.

The banner crest shows the Oak leaves and acorns from the tree in the grounds of Hatfield House as well as the square pavement, the two columns and a VSL with the square and compasses.  The banner was donated by W.Bro. Roland Gonsolvis and dedicated 21st March 2006.

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