Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Crossbrook Lodge No: 6443

Crossbrook Lodge was founded by twenty Members of The James Terry Lodge. The lodge was consecrated on 23rd June, 1947 and the second meeting was held at 'Walnut Tree House', Cheshunt on 14th October of the same year. A ballot was held and approved twelve joining Members and two Initiates were also admitted.
The first banner of this Lodge was presented about 1950/1 and was painted on silk and is now believed not to be in existence. In 2000 a new banner was made by the Grand Lodge embroidery department, this was dedicated on 11th April 2000. The central part depicts a bridge between columns crossing over a brook, the lodge being named after a part of Cheshunt called "Crossbrook", and was designed by Bro. JE Dumerton The motto ‘Omnes Unius Gentis’ translates as ‘All One Family’.