Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Lodge of Grand Design No: 7567
There were fourteen founders and, with the exception of one Essex mason, the rest were from London lodges, comprising accountants, two ex-pilots, company directors, and an architect, Bro Bill Dale, who designed the lodge logo and crest. These were incorporated into the banner which was designed by W.Bro John Steward.
The lodge is epitomised in a part of the oration given at the consecration, on 19th March 1958, "Our forebears in masonry built well, and we of this generation are aware and appreciative of the solid foundations upon which they built. Life for them had fundamental conceptions of God, of man, his nature and relationships, and these enabled them to raise a superstructure perfect in its parts and honourable to the builders. In brief, our fathers in masonry were guided by the principles of godliness, brotherhood, toleration and charity".
The central design of the banner depicts the fruit of the vine symbolizing material well-being and happiness. The original design included ears of corn as does the crest on the lodge summons and jewels, but when submitting the design to grand lodge for approval it was felt that these symbols which also have royal connotations should not be included. The original banner design by W.Bro Steward is in the Lodge Archive file at Fleet House and was dedicated on 31st May, 2012.
The motto “Felici Mente Sodales” indicates the state of being happy and communicating that happiness and freely translates as ‘In Fellowship with a Happy Purpose’.