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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Letchworth Garden City Lodge No: 5109

0nly four years after the consecration of the Icknield Lodge No. 4670, the growing population of Letchworth Garden City, which had been founded in 1903, and the large number of potential candidates, prompted the foundation of the Letchworth Garden City Lodge. The Consecration was to have been performed by RW Bro Charles Keyser, but he unfortunately died just prior to the meeting and the ceremony was performed by his Deputy, W. Bro W Hamilton-Underhill on 1st June, 1929.


The lodge emblem, within the central portion of the banner,  represents a house set in a garden, with a sundial post and a five pointed star on the lawn, this represents the building of many such new homes in the garden city. Masters names are also displayed up to 1961 and below the central panel is a standing Hart of Hertfordshire. The 1954 silver jubilee booklet included the following; "By their quiet and devoted service they have built here a Temple, not of timber and stone, but in the hearts of their fellows".


The banner was dedicated September 1931.

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