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Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)

Potters Bar Lodge No: 8704
The Potters Bar Lodge No. 8704 was consecrated by RW Bro Guy Halsey TD JP at the Radlett Masonic Centre on 13th May 1976. The intention of the twenty five founders was to provide a lodge for the town of Potters Bar.
The lodge banner contains, in addition to the square and compasses, a Hart leaping over a five-barred gate with a maul and chisel as well as the chequered pavement and the two masonic columns. 
At the installation meeting on 24th October 1991, the lodge banner presented by W. Bro C H Nethercott, was dedicated by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Godfrey Kent TD. 


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