Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Stevenage Lodge No: 7748

The Lodge, formulated by a close knit band of dedicated masons from various local Lodges and sponsored by Dacre Lodge No. 2086, to serve the requirements of the area, was consecrated at The Cloisters, Letchworth on 31st January, 1961.
The first banner, (far left) designed and presented by W.Bro FC Tollafield one of the founders, was dedicated 29th May 1964. The design was by Bro. E.G.A. Randall and made by W.Bro.C.Horsley. It incorporates the names of twenty-one of the Founder Members, the ancient six Roman burial mounds of Stevenage, the Hertfordshire Hart, a bay tree (the first planted in New Stevenage), and a gate with squared pavement representing the "Gateway to the North".
The new banner dedicated at the 50th anniversary meeting on 31st January 2011 is a faithful copy of the first except it is reduced in size to 70% of the original. It was made by Alison Bierrum an accomplished maker of church kneelers to the same design as the original banner, the backing and ancillaries to complete the banner were added by Vicki Brooker, daughter of a Founder. Both Banners are held at The Cloisters, Letchworth. The jubilee and banner dedication booklet contains many interesting pages of great detail of the design and manufacture of both banners.