Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

The formation of the Arkley lodge was mooted during a golf game at Arkley Golf Club following a Lodge meeting attended and enjoyed by three of its members. Soundings taken at the 'Nineteenth' hole suggested that many members, including the club captain were enthusiastic and eventually seventeen committed themselves as founders. These brethren were from sundry Provincial and London lodges. The name was chosen as there were a number of founders from within the boundaries of these towns..
The old banner of Arkley Lodge shows a windmill, a local landmark with the Golf club house and first green of the Arkley Golf Club. This banner was made by the Sisters of Poor Clare Convent and dedicated on 23rd October 1985 at the silver jubilee meeting. The banner was donated by W.Bro L.T. Rudder.
The new banner for the amalgamated lodge, was dedicated at a ceremony on 10th September 2008, and incorporates central emblems of the former Arkley design with the addition of the Church of St Mary at Finchley and its porchway entrance. This was dedicated 2nd December 2012. The former Finchley banner is apparently stored at Cheshunt, but as yet has not been located.