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Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
All Hallows Lodge No: 7662

The lodge was formed out of a desire of freemasons living in the Edmonton and Tottenham area to progress more quickly in the craft than was possible in their own lodges. Sponsored by Gothic Lodge No. 4517, the consecration was conducted on 30th November, 1959 by the Middlesex Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Lt. Col. P C Bull DSO TD at Hotel Rembrandt, London. The Lodge was named after the parish church of Tottenham, All Hallows, because of the close ties a number of founders had with that particular Church.
As agreed by Middlesex Province, meetings were held at the Regal Rooms, Edmonton on Thursdays to suit businessmen in the lodge. The first regular meeting was held there on 31st March 1960. The lodge moved into the Province of Hertfordshire on 1st October 1990.
The banner cost of £1,200 was raised by donations from the membership and through local fund raising activities. It was dedicated 2nd May 2002 by W.Bro John Tapster, APGM having been made by a friend of the late W.Bro Les Bryant. The banner emblem shows the Tottenham parish church, All Hallows. The crown and swords are of the shield of Middlesex.
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