Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Latimer Lodge No: 4705

Latimer Lodge was consecrated on 22nd June 1925, by RW Bro Guy Marsden Halsey, being named after the 16th Century reforming Bishop, Hugh Latimer, and was chosen as having both local and historical interest, and curiously by a happy coincidence was selected from a spot adjacent to that from which Gladsmuir Lodge No: 1385 (the mother lodge) probably derived its name, i.e. Gladsmuir Heath (described by Bulwer Lytton in 'The last of the Barons' as being the scene of the Battle of Barnet).
The first lodge banner was dedicated by the then Provincial Grand Master Charles Edward Keyser on 1st October, 1928 and was retired in 1990. It is understood that the second banner is a copy of the first with the addition of the founders names on the columns. Unfortunately the whereabouts of the original banner is unknown. Searches have been made but it is now assumed that the banner was disposed of.
The central emblem on the banner depicts the remains of an “ancient tree” locally known as the “Latimer Elm” as under its shelter, Latimer is reputed to have preached to the people. The banner quotation which emulates Latimer's last and immortal words spoken at his execution “Fortem te praesta: pravo ne cede timori” translates as “Show yourself courageous: do not give way to ignoble fears”, or “Show yourself a man: be not afraid”.