Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Leavesden Lodge No: 6642
In the mid 1940's, the members of Garston Lodge No. 5644, many of whom were shopkeepers, decided to form a new Lodge which met on a Wednesday, which was, at that time the early closing day. The lodge was consecrated on 19th May 1948 and over half of the nineteen founder members were engaged in the retail trade as were most of the joining members and the Initiates in the early years.
The new Lodge took its name from the Hamlet of Leavesden which abutted Garston. It quickly developed an enthusiastic lodge of instruction whose members came, not only from Watford Lodges, but also from those in London and Middlesex. In one year, it had masters from no less than five lodges attending regularly.
The banner was dedicated on 18th September 1950 and depicts a standing hart under three laurel wreathes the significance of which is unknown.