Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners

Saint Amphibalus is venerated as the early Christian priest who converted Saint Alban to Christianity. Alban sheltered the priest, Amphibalus, from religious persecution for a number of days, during which time Alban was so impressed with the priest's faith and teaching that Alban began to emulate him in worship, and became a Christian. When Roman soldiers came to seize the priest, Alban put on the priest's clothing and cloak, and went with the soldiers in the priest's stead. After Alban's martyrdom, Amphibalus escaped, but was eventually caught and also martyred.
The lodge was consecrated on 25th March 1985. The banner was donated by W.Bro.F.Hazel and dedicated 22nd March 1990. The centre panel depicts St Amphibalus standing on a squared pavement and the motto ‘Keep Faith'. The banner is painted and has become somewhat brittle.
This lodge is now closed.