Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Totteridge Lodge No: 6130
It is understood that most of the founders of Totteridge Lodge were air raid wardens who manned a wardens post on Totteridge Common. Freemasonry must have been a topic of conversation, during their long hours of vigilance and the seed was sown. The lodge was consecrated by 'The Canon', VW Bro, Rev Canon F Halsey, Deputy Provincial Grand Master on 1st October, 1945 and the original by-laws reveal, 'this Lodge is formed for the association and convenience of those residing in or closely connected with Totteridge'. Totteridge straddles the then border of Middlesex and Herts.
The small centre circle of the banner depicts the parish church of St Andrews in Totteridge Lane and is also used on past masters' Jewels. Also depicted are the working tools of the three degrees, something which would not now be approved.
Under the circle is the square and compasses, rather strangely upside down to normal. The banner was donated by W.Bro.R.E.Lamb in great secrecy and to the surprise of the Lodge members. It was dedicated 18th June 1993.
The lodge merged with Old Elizabethan Lodge No: 7987 and later closed. The banner is stored at Halsey Masonic Hall, Cheshunt.