Masonic Province of Hertfordshire
Chronicle and Banners
Banners of Craft Lodges in Hertfordshire (Continued)
Tring Lodge No: 5001
The Lodge was consecrated at the Holborn Restaurant, London by the Provincial Grand Master of Hertfordshire, RW Bro Charles E Keyser, assisted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro William Hamilton-Underhill, as Installing Master. There were seventeen Founders. The first Master was W. Bro Tyrwhitt Drake, MA, PPGChap. who was Vicar of Wiggington at that time. At the meeting on 23rd September 1930, the Chaplain recited verses 1-8, 13 and 14 from Chapter 12 of the Book of Ecclesiastes and this practice has now become part of this lodges third degree ceremony. Apart from the consecration, lodge meetings were held at The Rose and Crown Hotel, Tring until 1980 when the meeting place changed to The Gables, Linslade. Bedfordshire, the dispensation being made in 1985. Another notable dispensation was three years after the end of the War, when the lodge was allowed to hold the regular meeting on Wednesday 23rd March in view of the Installation of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire as MW the Grand Master, by MW Bro H. M. King George VI.
The central panel of the banner simply has the Hart of Hertfordshire standing on grass. The consecration was held on 14th May, 1928. A photo exists in the lodge archive file showing the members and guests at the first meeting after the consecration with the banner displayed. Thus one can assume the banner was presented in 1928. Interestingly the lodge history makes no mention of the banner.